Platte Livestock Market located 1 mile west of Platte, South Dakota has been in business for over 80 years. Priding itself on customer relations, honest business, and fighting for the independent farmer has helped them continue to build their legacy.
Dock In, Penback, Sorters, and Load Out.
Competitive Wages!
For More Information Call: 1-800-337-2655
All of Our sales are broadcasted live on
Monday- Hog, Sheep and Goat Sale
Monthly Horse Sale
Monday, Nov. 4th , 2024
Wednesday Cattle Sale
9:30 Weighup Cows and Bulls
12:00 Baby and Started Calves
Followed by Feeder Cattle
Out of State Horses Please Note the Following From SD Animal Industry Board
All horses entering the state including those to be sold at auction must be accompanied by a Certificate of Veterninary Inspecition (CVI) issued by an accredited veterinarian no more than 30 days before importation. In addition, all horses must have been teted negative for Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) within the past 12 months and have those results listed on the CVI or be quarantined at the Auction Market until the animal has a negative EIA (Coggins)test result. Suckling colts accompanying a test negative dam and all horses from ND are exempt from the EIA testing requirement but must have a CVI prior to arrival at the market.